[Q11-Q30] 最適なConsumer-Goods-Cloud試験準備問題集でSalesforce Consumer-Goods-Cloud問題集PDFを試そう![2023]
最適なConsumer-Goods-Cloud試験準備問題集でSalesforce Consumer-Goods-Cloud問題集PDFを試そう![2023] Salesforce Consumer-Goods-Cloud試験受験生を確実にパスさせるConsumer-Goods-Cloud学習問題集 質問 # 11 Can a single retail store can be a part of one or more retail store groups? A. No B. Yes 正解:B 質問 # 12 Can Mass actions be performed over plotted records in a Map? For example drag an area to select several Retail Stores or Accounts plotted over [...]