ガイド(2024年最新)実際のBCS AIF試験問題 [Q16-Q41]
ガイド(2024年最新)実際のBCS AIF試験問題 AIF試験問題集合格させるのは更新されたのは2024年年最新の認証済み試験問題 質問 # 16 What function is used in a Neural Network? A. Linear. B. Trigonometric. C. Activation. D. Statistical. 正解:C 解説:ExplanationActivation FunctionsAn activation function in a neural network defines how the weighted sum of the input is transformed into an output from a node or nodes in a layer of the network.https://machinelearningmastery.com/choose-an-activation-function-for-deep-learning/#:~:text=An%20activation [...]