CGSS試験無料問題集「ACAMS Certified Global Sanctions Specialist 認定」

There are three types of PBE: isolation, pooling, and semi-separation. In which category of PBE do the two forms of actor give the same signal?

The dverse impact of unilateral sanctions on basic human rights of the citizens of the targeted States such as the following is manifest except?

If an Athenian citizen was unjustly murdered in another state and that state refused to punish the murderer what was authorized under Athenian law for the victims' relatives?

正解:A,B,C 解答を投票する
What is the similarity between the the 1993 rule and 1983 Rule 11?

Which of the following is called Organized unilateral sanctions?

To what degree should human rights feature in the assessment of humanitarian implications of sanctions?

With which of the following procedural conditions EU should comply with for resorting to countermeasures?

正解:B,D,E 解答を投票する
Under the 1993 Rule 11, as under the prior rule, parties have the continued obligation to mitigate damages resulting from a Rule 11 violation.
Which of the following may relate to this situation?

Which of the following are UK government departments and agencies involved in sanctions:

正解:A,B,C,D 解答を投票する
Which of the following is needed to pay salary and related expenses to the designated person?