CFE-Law試験無料問題集「ACFE Certified Fraud Examiner 認定」

Even if a government agent obtains consent to search by force duress or bribery, the consent will still constitute a valid waiver of the consenting party's right to be free from searches.

Which of the following statements concerning civil trials in common law jurisdictions is MOST ACCURATE?

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developments (OECD) Recommendation on Combating Bribery m International Business (Recommendation) urges member states to combat the bribery of foreign public officials by taking steps to improve which of the following primary areas within their respective infrastructures?

Which of the following is a red flag that an entity is operating a security business without the proper license or registration?

Which of the following is generally NOT one of the goals of deferred prosecution agreements?

Which of the following schemes involves disguising money from illegal nonbusiness sources by recording more income on a business's books than the business actually generates?

Ramona is investigating Eugene for misconduct Ramona and Eugene both work for Elek-Tek, which operates in a jurisdiction with evil laws for defamation, invasion of privacy and conflict of interest During the investigation Ramona obtained ^formation that Eugene is cheating on his spouse Ramona to a large group of Elek-Tek employees that Eugene was committing adultery, which turned out to be true Which cause of action would give Eugene the BEST chance for success m a civil suit against Ramona?

Which of the following situations would constitute a violation of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations slate that a financial institution s customer due diligence (COD) procedures should include continued monitoring of a customer's business relationships and transactions.

The government filed a avil action against a politician for accepting real estate as a bribe. There is a possibility that the politician could transfer the real estate to a third party before the court enters a final judgment Which type of order should the government seek from the court to prevent the politician from transferring the real estate?