L4M4試験無料問題集「CIPS Ethical and Responsible Sourcing 認定」
Roberto is running a tender in which his main concern is price. However he is keen to hear also about the companies' Corporate Social Responsibility Policies and how this will impact their delivery. Roberto is considering awarding the CSR question 4 points in a weighted point system. If he does this, what weight should be given to the price?
解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
A buyer in the public sector has put an advert out asking for interested suppliers to express an interest in a potential tender activity to provide a facilities management contract to a hospital trust. The suppliers who have met that criteria are then sent a document detailing how they should submit their tender, how to price the opportunity, asks Questions relating to how they will deliver the service and gives a deadline for bids to be submitted. Which document have the suppliers ben sent?
解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
As a procurement officer for a large organisation, a supplier approaches you on social media offering to take you out for dinner to discuss a recent open opportunity and mentions a financial reward if you help them win the business. You accept the invite. Was this the right thing to do?
解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
A buyer is responsible for the procurement of metals within the raw materials department. The buyer is preparing for next year's purchase orders and has been asked to confirm the month of order placement. The buyer has found three trends:
* In January and April, the supplier's local currency is stronger
* November typically has the lowest demand
* May typically has the highest demand
Which month should the buyer plan to place the purchase order?
* In January and April, the supplier's local currency is stronger
* November typically has the lowest demand
* May typically has the highest demand
Which month should the buyer plan to place the purchase order?
解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)