Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist試験無料問題集「Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist 認定」

Select the correct statement which applies to K-Nearest Neighbors

正解:A,B,C 解答を投票する
解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
While working with Netflix the movie rating websites you have developed a recommender system that has produced ratings predictions for your data set that are consistently exactly 1 higher for the user-item pairs in your dataset than the ratings given in the dataset. There are n items in the dataset. What will be the calculated RMSE of your recommender system on the dataset?

解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
Question-18. What is the best way to ensure that the k-means algorithm will find a good clustering of a collection of vectors?

解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
Which of the following true with regards to the K-Means clustering algorithm?

正解:A,C,E 解答を投票する
解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
What is the best way to evaluate the quality of the model found by an unsupervised algorithm like k-means clustering, given metrics for the cost of the clustering (how well it fits the data) and its stability (how similar the clusters are across multiple runs over the same data)?

解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
Find out the classifier which assumes independence among all its features?

解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning with the following goals

解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
In unsupervised learning which statements correctly applies

解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)
What is the probability that the total of two dice will be greater than 8, given that the first die is a 6?

A data scientist wants to predict the probability of death from heart disease based on three risk factors: age, gender, and blood cholesterol level. What is the most appropriate method for this project?

解説: (GoShiken メンバーにのみ表示されます)