A. Programme
B. P3O
C. Portfolio
D. Project
A. Implement the Project Office functions defined within the project initiation document
B. Establish the temporary Project Office staffing levels
C. Review use of project resources so that they continue to be appropriate
D. Review project management processes so that they continue to be appropriate
A. Capacity planning for resource management
B. Business process swimlanes
C. P3OValue Matrix
D. Knowledge management tools
B. Management dashboards
C. Business process svvimlanes
D. Gated reviews
A. Definition and delivery of programmes within a division
B. Definition and delivery of a portfolio of change across an organization
C. Delivery of a specific change initiative being delivered as a programme
D. Consistent definition of standards across an organization
A. VirtualP3O
B. P3Owith Temporary Offices
C. P3Owith Organization Portfolio Office
D. P3Owith Hub Portfolio Offices
A. Challenge to current culture
B. Organizational PPM maturity
C. Size of the organization
D. Geographical divisions
A. Identify, Define, Deliver Capability / Realize Benefits, Close
B. Identify, Define, Deliver Tranches, Close
C. Initiate, Define, Deliver Capability / Realize Benefits, Close
D. Identify, Define, Deliver Blueprint, Close
A. Resources are in a singleP3Ooffice within a central corporate function
B. Professional staff are embedded within business teams
C. Resources use embedded consistent standards
D. Staff work across an organization without a physical structure to support them
A. Project Specialist
B. Head of Project Office
C. Project Officer
D. Secretariat/administrator