A. The service improvement targets should not change until the target is reached, or else no consistency is maintained
B. The progress should be monitored closely by an independent project manager to maintain objectivity.
C. The progress of service improvement should be discussed at least weekly in the steering committee.
D. Service improvement targets should be measurable, linked to business objectives and documented in a plan.
A. Business relationship management
B. The senior management representative
C. Incident management
D. Change management
A. Plan. Perform. Audit and Improve
B. Plan. Do. Evaluate and Act
C. Plan. Do. Check and Act
D. Plan. Perform. Evaluate and Act
A. to adopt a certified measurement framework that legally provides proof of meeting the SarbanesOxley (SOX) requirements
B. to adopt a uniform structure to understand, implement and evaluateIT capabilities, performance and risks
C. to adopt a high level process model that organizes a broad range ofIT activities
D. to adopt a set of detailed practices on how to implement processes and is therefore well suited as a process implementation tool
A. Protecting the information against unauthorized use
B. Screening the support staff on their loyalty to the IT organization
C. The accuracy, completeness and correctness of the information
D. Monitoring the access to information
A. timelines
B. functions
C. expected results
D. statistical support
A. When the Incident is solved and normal operation is restored.
B. When the user or customer has been given the opportunity to confirm that the service is restored.
C. When the Incident has been dispatched outside the Service desk department.
D. When all relevant information for classification and routing has been entered.
A. Controlled Acceptance Test environment
B. Capacity plans
C. policies and procedures
D. Service Continuity Plans
A. Capacity Management
B. Service Level Management
C. Availability Management
D. Configuration Management
A. Afocus on Information security management above all other processes
B. Control of information assets in a Configuration management database (CMDB)
C. The possibility of increasing business success by means of a self-assessment process
D. Consistent implementation of the PDCA cycle