GED-Science試験無料問題集「GED Science 認定」

To begin a fission reaction, a neutron is shot at high speed into the nucleus of an atom of Uranium-235. This process releases a large amount of energy contained within the nucleus. The diagram above illustrates this process as well as possible by-products.

Based on the diagram and information, which statement best describes the fission reaction shown?

Nitrites are used by the meat-packing industry to maintain the appetizing red color of cured meats and smoked fish and to protect the consumer from botulism. However, in the acid environment of the stomach, nitrites can combine with amines to form nitrosamines, which are potent carcinogens.
Which behavior is most effective for all urban consumers to minimize exposure to nitrosamines?

For millions of years, the Mississippi River has caused thousands of feet of sand and mud to be layered and stacked up beneath the Gulf of Mexico.
What is this stacking and layering process called?

Almost all food containers and packages have nutrition labels such as the one below, which might appear on the container of a soft drink. These labels indicate the number of servings in the container and the ingredients of its contents. They will usually list the amount of fat, sodium, sugars, carbohydrates, and protein that are in the contents. People who are diabetic can not consume a large amount of sugar in their diet.
Which statement best describes the expected and MOST sensible reaction of a person who is diabetic when he or she reads the label on this container of soft drink?

As Earth rotates, it appears that the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

Based on the information and diagram, where should the Sun be if you walk north just after sunrise?

In asexual reproduction, one cell or a group of cells from a single parent develops into an offspring genetically identical to the parent.
Which statement would likely be considered a disadvantage to the long-term survival for an organism that reproduces by asexual reproduction?

Blood typing is essentially a chemical reaction that provides data so that blood may be safely transfused from one person to another. The basic objective is to avoid "clumping" that could occur in the recipient when the wrong blood type is received. These "clumps" of red blood cells could block arteries or veins affecting the blood flow to critical body organs, like the heart or the brain.

Based on the chart and the information, which blood type will not form clumps with either Anti-A reagent serum or the Anti-B reagent serum?

Parasites often live continually within or on the external surface of the host. Parasites not only obtain food from the host, but they also may damage the tissues of the host.
Which pair BEST illustrates a host-parasite interaction?

A cleaning agent contains ingredients listed in the figure below. Exhibit:

Which ingredient(s) would be the LEAST important in determining how well the cleaner can clean windows?

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Nancy and Sophia are studying weather in science class. Nancy tells Sophia that warm air ismore dense than cold air.
Which of the following statements proves that Nancy's belief is false?

Potential energy is stored energy. Kinetic energy is energy of motion. Conduction is the transfer of energy when molecules collide. Convection is the transfer of heat caused by density differences in air.
What type of energy change is demonstrated when a child, starting from the top, goes down a play slide?

The Perfect Food Company makes Energy Bars for use as a meal replacement or diet supplement.

A Perfect Food Company spokesperson claims that Perfect's Energy Bar is superior to other nutritional bars.
Which explanation is most likely based on opinion rather than fact?

Halley's comet has a greater chance of striking a planet as it nears the Sun
According to the diagram which of the following statements best supports this conclusion?



Iceland spar, a form of calcite, is transparent and colorless. It is used in some optical equipment such as special microscopes. Which characteristic describes Iceland spar?

As pressure in a closed container is increased, the volume, or amount of space that a gas takes up, decreases. Divers who work underwater use tanks containing oxygen in order to breathe. The amount of oxygen in the tanks allows the divers to stay underwater for some time, yet the tanks are not huge.
Which statement best explains this occurrence?

Atmospheric pressure decreases as you get higher in altitude. What is the primary reason helium balloons released in the air eventually burst?

Work is done on an object when a force is applied, causing the object to move.

Which example best illustrates this scientific idea?

There is more vegetation present in areas with mild climates than in areas with harsh climates. Pollen analysis is one of the tools used to study past climates. The diagram at the left shows information about sediments of the same age, sampled from different parts of the world.

Which of the sediments most likely represents the area with the mildest climate?

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek observed living cells using microscopes that he designed and built. His particular passion was working with and perfecting microscope lenses; and he kept all of his techniques secret to prevent other scientists or inventors from stealing his ideas. Leeuwenhoek recorded his microscope observations, which were helpful to later scientists.
Which statement best describes Leeuwenhoek's scientific contribution?

Which conclusion is best supported by the graph? Exhibit:
