GED-Social-Studies試験無料問題集「GED Social Studies 認定」

According to this information, how much time do most Americans spend focusing on their personal finances?

The U.S. Supreme Court's desegregation ruling in 1962 supports which idea in U.S. history?

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Which state is the fifth highest producer of oil in the Southwest United States?

"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."
U.S. Declaration of Independence
Which 18th century Enlightenment philosophical idea does this excerpt illustrate?

Based on the viewpoint, which statement about family life is supported?


Which other type of U.S. map would best help explain the differences shown on the map at the left?


Which situation does Jefferson's letter indicate he feared most?


Which fundamental political principle supports the use of visas in international travel?

Mechanization dramatically changed the clothing industry in the late 1800s.Powerful machines that were able to slice through a hundred layers of cloth at a time brought the speed of cutting clothes in line with the sewing operation.Completely automatic looms meant that one weaver could produce 400 yards of fabric in an hour.Improved cylinder presses could print from two to twelve colors at the same time.As calico florals rolled off the cylinders, one of the most expensive fabrics of the 1700s became one of the cheapest in the 1800s.
Adapted from American Heritage, December 1988, Vol. 39, 42.
The article supports which statement about the relationship of mechanization and the work world?

According to this viewpoint, why is Japan less likely to have problems with careless firestarters than is the United States?

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What does the map show about developed countries' grain imports and exports in 1991?

Which statement about personal finances best represents the views expressed in the passage?

Although food is relatively cheap in the United States, Americans pay a high price-with many hidden costs.A person can find American raspberries on sale in Britain at cheaper prices than those charged for British-grown raspberries.Some retailers prefer suppliers who can provide a year-round flow of produce, rather than switch to local raspberry producers who can only supply berries during one season.
Furthermore, because fuel costs are relatively low, big supermarkets can get a better deal from countries where wages are low.Thus, for a few cents of savings at the supermarket, local rural economies are weakened.
Based on this information, which statement describes a hidden effect of the sale of foreign-grown food on a local economy?