A. Skills based routing
B. All of the above
C. Standard ACD
D. Bullseye ACD
A. Inter-Digit Timeout
B. Menu Selection Timeout
C. Timeout
D. No Entry Timeout
A. Scheduling
B. Call route
C. Callable time sets
D. Inbound call flow
A. Architect
B. Automatic Call Distribution
C. Scheduling
D. Call Routing
A. Password
B. ARN Number
C. Access ID
D. Token
E. Username
A. Queues match agents to an appropriate interaction using ACD
B. Queues are the waiting lines for interactions that are routed using ACD
C. Queues are the waiting lines for the agents who will be assigned interactions through ACD
D. Queues provide ACD with a means to determine the skill level requirement of an interaction