NACE-CIP1-001試験無料問題集「NACE Coating Inspector Level 1 認定」

You have just received your NACE CIP Level 1 certification when you are asked to supervise a team of uncertified field pipeline inspectors.
Your FIRST preferred course of action is to:

A single application coating film has a measured dry film thickness (DFT) between 4 and 5 mils (between 100 and 125 microns). The volume solids of the coating immediately before application were 67%, What wet film thickness (WFT) was applied?

You are the NACE Inspector on a tank lining project where a 50% solids epoxy tank lining is being applied. After application of the 19 coat you notice small blisters in some areas of the applied lining.
Your FIRST preferred course of action is to:

When holiday testing is required the Inspector is always required to enforce NACE SP 0188:

Due to a previous premature coating failure the owner has required the original coating applicator to return to remove and replace 10,000 square feet of a failed three coat system at the applicator's cost. Due to the financial implications of another failure, the owner has offered you the job as the NACE CIP Level 1 Coating Inspector and explained that he expects you to be his "insurance policy" for this job. You have never been involved in a warranty job before and are unfamiliar with the coating system.
Your preferred FIRST course of action is to:

Which one of the following documents is the best source for coating technical data:

When applying Thermal Spray Coatings the specification is most likely to refence:

Safety Data Sheets must be carefully reviewed by:

An inspectors personal log book should contain:

If the project specification DOES NOT state the specific DFT measurement standards, the inspector should use