A. Used to restrict to certain employees and Return employees that meet criteria
B. Returns a given point and Returns relevant for a certain time
C. Will return data of interest for a certain date
D. Complete data is returned > all times slices > historic data > future dated records
A. Firewall > can data pass through
B. Enable > SFAPI
C. Authorization/restrict > set-up system user
D. Configurations > If payroll system exist - ensure that settings in SF are same as SAP ERP
E. Web service activation > activate
A. Yes - what did you expect.... Provisioning is needed.
B. The SAINT is used to install the needed programs.
C. You download the needed software from htttps://support.sap.com/swdc
A. Uploadadjust the picklist
B. Enable APIs
C. Simulate Replications
D. Monitor replications
E. Export EC metadata and picklists
A. Use EC as the master system
B. The audit log displays the last 10.000 call to the system
C. All employees in EC
A. It is used for all other integrations that cost center integration.
C. Yes -of course you need access to SPRO
A. Talent solutions in the cloud
B. Yes it is possible to import the metadata model from EC
C. Core HR processes need to be refreshed / re-thought
A. Yes -SAP will support Boomi in the future.
B. No -SAP will support Boomi not in the future.
A. Set up admin rights
B. It is possible to define several EC instance IDs
C. Any name can be chosen
A. Yes - the Compound Employee API is always used for third party integration.
B. The API supports selection API
C. It is based on the EC data model
D. The compound API returns data in a structured XML response