A. Group dynamics ensure that everyone contributes. Nobody wants to be the only one not providing any input.
B. Grouping and clustering thoughts helps the team to structure data and to identify common topics.
C. Participants are able to identify the most important ideas to solve the challenge.
D. The result clearly articulates the emotions and touch points of the user when adopting a new technology.
E. Everybody has different thoughts while thinking about the challenge.
A. Microsoft PowerPoint
B. Lego
C. SAP Fiori.
D. Cardboard
A. High-level architecture design
B. Photos grasping the workshop atmosphere.
C. Mock-up or click-through simulation
D. Research and ideation results
A. Create empathy with potential users of the designed solution.
B. Find out if your first approaches are feasible and viable
C. Create an exact definition of the problem that needs to be solved.
D. Make conclusions about the design of the solution
A. Validate ideas with users
B. Prioritize ideas
C. Iterate from solution to problem space.
D. Generate as many ideas as possible.
A. The project plan.
B. The design challenge
C. The team setup
D. "How might we" questions for personas
E. User types
A. Defining choices
B. Making choices.
C. Limiting choices
D. Creating choices
A. Prioritize and filter ideas
B. Move from problem to solution space.
C. Capture feedback and iterate prototype
D. Check on feasibility, viability and desirability