A00-255試験無料問題集「SASInstitute SAS Predictive Modeling Using SAS Enterprise Miner 14 認定」

What is the purpose of the Kass (Bonferroni) adjustment in the decision tree split-search algorithm?
Select one:

The Chi Square statistic for measuring association between the variables BanruptcyInd and TARGET is which of the following?

Which statement describes the Decision Tree Split Search mechanism for categorical inputs?
Select one:

The selected model, based on the misclassification rate for the validation data, has how many input variables?

How many unique indicator variables were created during imputation?

Perform these tasks in SAS Enterprise Miner:
* Add a Decision Tree node, as shown below. (Make sure you use only default options in the Decision Tree node.)

* Run the Decision Tree node.
In the decision tree model, what is the importance of the variable InqCnt06?

-> Add a Decision Tree node after the Impute node with TARGET as the dependent variable and all other input variables as independent variables (main effects only).
- Allow for 1 substitute rule in case the variable for the primary splitting rule is missing.
- Disable pruning for the decision tree.
-> Add another Neural Network node after the decision tree with TARGET as the dependent variable and all other input variables as independent variables (main effects only).
- Configure the Neural Network model to use Average Error for Model Selection Criterion.
-> Run the process flow.
What is the number of input variables being used by the Neural Network Model?
Enter your numeric answer in the space below:

Consider a binary target variable. Assume Accuracy is the desired assessment measure. Accuracy is not an option in the Decision Tree node. Which assessment measure can you use as a proxy for accuracy?
Select one:

What is the average squared error in the training data?