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TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam: OGEA-103 試験
「TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam」、OGEA-103試験であります、The Open Group認定でございます。 最適な問題と解答をまとめられて、GoShiken はお客様のOGEA-103試験に計 116 問をまとめてご用意いたしました。OGEA-103試験の集結内容には、Enterprise Architecture認定にあるエリアとカテゴリの全てをカバーしており、お客様の TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam 試験認定合格の準備を手助けをお届けします。
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The Open Group TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 認定 OGEA-103 試験問題:
1. Scenario
Your role is that of an Enterprise Architect, reporting to the Chief Enterprise Architect, at a technology company.
The company uses the TOGAF standard as the method and guiding framework for its Enterprise Architecture (EA) practice. The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is the sponsor of the activity. The EA practice uses an iterative approach for its architecture development. This has enabled the decision-makers to gain valuable insights into the different aspects of the business.
The nature of the business is such that the data and the information stored on the company systems is the company's major asset and is highly confidential. The company employees travel a lot for work and need to communicate over public infrastructure. They use message encryption, secure internet connections using Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and other standard security measures. The company has provided computer security awareness training for all its staff. However, despite good education and system security, there is still a need to rely on third-party suppliers for infrastructure and software.
The Chief Security Officer (CSO) has noted an increase in ransomware (malicious software used in ransom demands) attacks on companies with a similar profile. The CSO recognizes that no matter how much is spent on education and support, the company could be a victim of a significant attack that could completely lock them out of their important data.
A risk assessment has been completed, and the company has looked for cyber insurance that covers ransomware. The price for this insurance is very high. The CTO recently saw a survey that said 1 out of 4 businesses that paid ransoms could not get their data back, and almost the same number were able to recover the data without paying. The CTO has decided not to get cyber insurance to cover ransom payment.
You have been asked to describe the steps you would take to strengthen the current architecture to improve data protection.
Based on the TOGAF standard, which of the following is the best answer?
A) You would request an Architecture Compliance Review with the scope to examine the company's ability to respond to ransomware attacks. You would identify the departments involved and have them nominate representatives. You would then tailor checklists to address the requirement for increased resilience. You would circulate to the nominated representatives for them to complete. You would then review the completed checklists, identifying and resolving issues. You would then determine and present your recommendations.
B) You would monitor for technology updates from your existing suppliers that could enhance the company's capabilities to detect, react, and recover from an IT security incident. You would prepare and run a disaster recovery planning exercise for a ransomware attack and analyze the performance of the current Enterprise Architecture. Using the findings, you would prepare a gap analysis of the current Enterprise Architecture. You would prepare change requests to address identified gaps. You would add the changes implemented to the Architecture Repository.
C) You would assess business continuity requirements and analyze the current Enterprise Architecture for gaps. You would recommend changes to address the situation and create a change request. You would engage the Architecture Board to assess and approve the change request. Once approved, you would create a new Request for Architecture Work to begin an ADM cycle to implement the changes.
D) You would ensure that the company has in place up-to-date processes for managing change to the current Enterprise Architecture. Based on the scope of the concerns raised, you recommend that this be managed at the infrastructure level. Changes should be made to the baseline description of the Technology Architecture. The changes should be approved by the Architecture Board and implemented by change management techniques.
2. Which of the following is a responsibility of an Architecture Board?
A) Establishing targets for re-use of components
B) Creating the Statement of Architecture Work
C) Conducting assessments of the maturity level of architecture discipline within the organization
D) Allocating resources for architecture projects
3. Complete the sentence When considering agile development Architecture to Support Project will identify what products the Enterprise needs the boundary of the products and what constraints a product owner has. this defines the Enterprise's___________.
A) backlog
B) lifecycle economics
C) workflow management
D) operations
4. Consider the following statement.
Projects may cycle between ADM phases, in planned cycles covering multiple phases.
What does it illustrate?
A) Enterprise Architecture
B) Iteration
C) Requirements management
D) Implementation governance
5. Complete the sentence A set of architecture principles that cover every situation perceived meets the recommended criteria of_______________
A) robustness
B) consistency
C) stability
D) completeness
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: A | 質問 # 4 正解: B | 質問 # 5 正解: D |
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OGEA-103問題集を所有する価値があります! 試験対策に万全な問題だと思う。
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